
1 minute read Published:

Best part of CodepaLOUsa so far…

Best part of CodepaLOUsa so far… sitting next to Douglas Crockford at dinner tonight. Occasionally I’m the lucky one. (Hope I didn’t bore him too much) Anyway – having a fun time at CodepaLOUsa and hope all other attendees are too.

7 minute read Published:

Blount 2011 “Year in Review Letter”

Everyone seems to do a great job of sending out yearly letters around the holidays, so here’s our attempt. We collected some of our favorite photos from this year (mostly just the summer and fall) and made this video: Go ahead and watch it. Back already? It’s the end of December already and Poppy is almost 4 (01/24) and Oliver is almost 2 (02/02). Last year at this time, we went to Kansas City for Christmas with Alan’s family and after a long drive on Christmas eve, made it back to Louisville for Christmas with Anita’s.

1 minute read Published:

Poppy is 1000 days old today

Poppy is 1000 days old today!

3 minute read Published:

Our Trip to California

We are home again, from a trip to San Francisco and Sonoma, California. (map) The trip was for April’s wedding (Anita’s sister) to Billie one of our best friends from our three years in Columbus, OH. We started out by going to Salt Point State Park and camping. We were able to hike to the beautiful (but cold) cliff-lined-coast and watch seals and waves alike. On our way back from camping we visited Fort Ross, the oldest establishment on the west coast, and old Russian trading post.

1 minute read Published:

WolframAlpha & Google Chrome OS

I recently came across wolframalpha which is really fantastic. It provides a much of data for a very wide variety of searches… basically the neat part is it’s conversion of English statements into data-based queries and graphs… It works across tons and tons of datatypes, including one of the most useful weather reports I’ve seen… simple and obvious and useful data across the board. (perhaps I just like graphs too much) It also has good financial data, though I still prefer google finance.