
1 minute read Published:

Running and Talking and Loud

Poppy has stopped walking and is pretty much either running to places, or stumble-running. I’m sure that’s an exaggeration, but it is certainly what it seems like. Likewise, she’s still babbling incoherently – but she’s doing so loudly. Also – her speech patterns are much closer to English. We don’t know what she’s saying, but she sure does and, by god, she means it. Her actual vocabulary has increased to maybe a dozen words and phrases:

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Poppy Update, 15.5 months

Poppy is starting to really put things together. She’s long been understanding much more than we would have expected, occasionally doing things we ask her to do which we would never anticipate her doing (like asking her to throw something away in another room, and her doing so). Now she’s starting to say a few more words, do a few more signs, and saying/signing more clearly. She’s had a bit of a rough month, all four of her I-Teeth are coming in.

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Winter Weather hits Louisville

It’s been a crazy winter, the last week. The ice storm which took out most of KY’s power only kept us out for a couple of days, but still has some friends down. It was crazy to see all of the trees weighed down and drooping, beautiful and terrible. The ice coated everything, and when the wind blew all of the ice-coated limbs and branched clinked with each other. Here’s a great photo from a friend of mine, mitch:

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Photobooth photos from Scott and Tami’s wedding

Scott and Tami had a wonderful wedding in Columbus in late fall 2008. We went with Poppy and my mom Cathy. At the wedding they had a photobooth set up and some of the photos went into a scrapbook and some we took home… here are the took home ones.

2 minute read Published:

we refinanced our mortgage today

We have refinanced (or at least started the process) and locked in at 4.96 after paying a point (it was 5.6 without the point, lenders wanting up-front money and assurance in today’s market). We are rolling in the point and closing costs into the new loan and we’ll still be saving $140/month over our current loan (and if we hadn’t rolled in the costs, it would only have saved us $21/month more).