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The Mates of State, the story of taking the family on tour

There’s a great video done by Dan Harris of ABC news on the Mates of State and what the family does when they go on tour. I love the wholesomeness of it and it fits right in with what I think they would be like.  This band is one of my absolute favorites and that’s only encouraged by this peak into their good parenting and family priorities.

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Birth Control Pills Affect Women’s Taste in Men

I thought this was a very interesting article Birth Control Pills Affect Women’s Taste in Men It’s all about scent. Hidden in a man’s smell are clues about his major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes, which play an important role in immune system surveillance. Studies suggest that females prefer the scent of males whose MHC genes differ from their own, a preference that has probably evolved because it helps offspring survive: couples with different MHC genes are less likely to be related to each other than couples with similar genes are, and their children are born with more varied MHC profiles and thus more robust immune systems.

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most of the poppy photos from September are uploaded

I have uploaded most of the photos from September and the first half of October.  We have another card to process at some point, but this should be the majority. September October

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Wall Street Bailout, explained on Fresh Air’s show Sept. 23, 2008

A fantastic interview on Fresh Air regarding our current state of the economy and the proposed bailout plan, where we are encouraged to not look at the details and just buy…  The Wall Street Bailout: A Conflict Of Interest? Henry Paulson: The Treasury secretary’s $700 billion bailout plan awaits congressional approval.Getty Images Fresh Air from WHYY,September 23, 2008 · With financial markets in flux and a massive government rescue package in the works, financial reporter and New York Timescolumnist Gretchen Morgenson looks into what’s involved in the nearly $700 billion deal.

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Kentucky Homeschoolers on Parent’s magazine

I saw the following article on a list serve I’ve been lurking on; a simple overview of personal experience with homeschooling… but it’s nice to see local examples get national coverage. Homeschool Diaries: How 3 Families Teach Kids at Home