A great but disturbing email sent by my friend Jason E. (spoon):
November 14th, 2006: A student is tasered five times while in police custody while in the library at UCLA. The cops tase him, not because he’s fighting them, but because he is (non-violently) refusing to walk out of the library with them. Note that the cop says, “Stand up or you’ll get tased again.”
Of anything on this video that comment really sickens me the most.
Jamglue – Glue it to the man:
This is a fantastic tool – to multi-track audio from a collaboartive environment with slick controls and a great/simple user interface.
http://www.jamglue.com/people/zeroasterisk screencast tutorial http://blog.jamglue.com/ http://jamglue.com/ I just wonder who has time to make such a cool site… ther interface required would not be simple to whip together. I’m impressed.
Get it while it’s beta/hot/free…
Marea and DJ’s wedding on Saturday Oct. 28th was wonderful. The wedding proper was at ~1pm at her father’s house in the Tyler Park area. It was supposed to be a very small event, which still ended up being 60+ people. It was an hour of hanging out, then 10 minutes of ceremony, and then an hour of eating and hanging out some more. The ceremony was basically: “we are all happy to be here… do you, and you?
I would like to take a moment and give praise to Alan. For those who know him, know that he is awesomely quicky, white and nerdy. It gets better when you live with him! I have come home after a bad day several times this quarter, and he has cleaned. We’re not talking just dishes – we’re talkin dishes, sweeping, mopping, cat box, laundry, the whole nine yards. He does these things even though he’s been working all day and probably hasn’t had a much better day than I have.