
2 minute read Published:

The big Louisville windstorm of 2008

We’re without power, like most of Louisville. On Sunday afternoon the wind really started picking up. We thought a storm was coming, but we had no idea about the extent. So, stupidly, we went for a walk around the neighborhood with Poppy. As we are walking, we see a small tree go down… “whoa – that’s crazy” but you know, it’s a small tree, perhaps it was just planted… then we get a little further and we hear a big ripping sound and look back and less than half a block up a huge oak tree has just been pulled up at the roots.

1 minute read Published:

A great article on Jan Arnow’s work in Rwanda

Rwandans look to Louisville for interfaith model The Rwandans invited the center’s executive director, Jan Arnow, to visit their country, where in May, she conducted workshops and discussions with a group that included various faiths, from Muslims to Catholics to Quakers to Pentecostals. During that visit, she said, group members told her, “We want to do what your organization does” — leading to establishment of the center’s first branch outside Kentucky.

1 minute read Published:

Alan’s Finger is in a Torture Device

Alan’s fingers were bent backwards and the ligaments are contracting/scaring… this is supposed to fix it (uncomfortably). Spring-Coil Finger Extension Splint (“Capener” or Wynn Perry) Coil springs are placed laterally to the PIP joint and move in line with the joint to increase extension.

1 minute read Published:

Poppy Video at Grannie C’s, early April 2008

First, Poppy laughing – Then a longer segment where Grannie C is talking about stuff that Poppy will do, and then a look around the back deck, and finally a little bit of card playing. (6:44)

1 minute read Published:

Update from the snow

Uploaded photos of Poppy for the last several weeks (havn’t uploaded since early Feb.). You can go through the new ones (march and feb) or just look at the main stream of photos. It snowed around 7 inches on Friday and Saturday, and we got to play in the snow some, but only very briefly. We both started to daydream about taking Poppy out for sledding adventures and hot chocolate afterwards.