
1 minute read Published:

repost: If programming languages were religions

A very funny post for the programming nerds out there: If programming languages were religions… By amz – Monday, December 15, 2008 at 14:52 PHP would be Cafeteria Christianity – Fights with Java for the web market. It draws a few concepts from C and Java, but only those that it really likes. Maybe it’s not as coherent as other languages, but at least it leaves you with much more freedom and ostensibly keeps the core idea of the whole thing.

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Mantis to Basecamp to-do(s)

I just created a handy little script to create todos in basecamp for unresovled tickets in mantis. You can see the open sourced code/project: This is something we found useful, if you use both tools, you might find it useful as well.

1 minute read Published:

hamachi install error on ubuntu – fixed

I recently re-installed ubuntu (linux) on a server and ran into difficulties installing hamachi.  As it turned out I tried to setup hamachi without installing the tun module first.  I then installed the tun module, but hamachi wouldn’t work.  I eventually figured out that the tuncfg had to be cleaned/make’ed again, after the tun was re-created. This is the error I was getting: bash: /sbin/tuncfg: No such file or directory

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Grand Central – Project CARE (phone numbers for the homeless)

I’ve been using grand central for a while, but noticed this today: <blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0px 0px 0px 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;"> Project CARE (Communications and Respect for Everybody) recognizes the desire for those in need to get back on their feet and begin a new life. An essential element to that proposition is a consistent and reliable phone number &#8211; a place where anyone (family, friends, social workers, health care providers, potential employers, etc.

1 minute read Published:

Pirate name for “Talk Like a Pirate Day”

Real Name : Alan Blount Pirate Name : Baginda Mugsy Gladden Ship Name : Queen Licia Red Cobra Source: