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Best part of CodepaLOUsa so far…

Best part of CodepaLOUsa so far… sitting next to Douglas Crockford at dinner tonight. Occasionally I’m the lucky one. (Hope I didn’t bore him too much) Anyway – having a fun time at CodepaLOUsa and hope all other attendees are too.

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Meteor Core Cordova Support – Alpha Release is out

We’ve been watching this for a while, but now the first Alpha release is out for Meteor + Cordova built into the core. SWEET! Watch the DevShop Presentation on it here:   And here are instructions to get it going and play with it:   Also, just an update, MeteorRider is still a strong and simple option for getting Meteor into Cordova (DOM hijacking), but I’m also checking out another great looking option is Cordova Loader (builds all Cordova assets into the public folder of Meteor).

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Testing tools for Old OS & Browser Combos

Lots of us have to trace down odd bugs and test things on different browsers and OS combinations… Of course, the worst of which is “various versions of IE” on “various versions of Windows”. It seems crazy, but the same version of IE can behave differently on a different version of Windows. The two best solutions I’ve used are: [free, vm locally] and [costs, web based] I just got assigned a crappy bug ticket on IE8 + WinXP and had to dust this off again… thought I’d send out a post, see if it helps others and triggers a discussion which might help me out too.

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Great advice from Arunoda “Just Contribute!” This advice might be aimed at people who already consider themselves developers, but there’s a nugget in there that’s perfect for anyone who is interested in getting started… Pick some open-source project, probably a smaller one, that does something you’re interested in. Maybe it’s something you tried out and used. Maybe it’s something you tried out and it didn’t work out. Maybe it’s something you looked at and didn’t understand.

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MOSSCON 2013 was lots of fun

I had a great time attending and presenting at moscon. May 18 – 19, 2013 | University of Louisville | Louisville, Kentucky I know it was a lot of work for the people who set it up, but you did a great job and I look forward to attending again in another year. (if I present again next time, my slides will be more readable, I promise…)