Petition to save Internet Radio:
I’ve been reading up on copyright laws in America and internationally and it seems blatantly obvious that the extra costs and constraints put on internet radio are one symptom of a larger problem… that our copyright system is outmoded by the technologies of the past 20 years. That’s a larger problem for another day {read “Free Culture” for more information}.For now… lets look at Internet Radio.
So, due to a degraded HDD in my RAID5 array, I decided to build a new array.
I bought 4 320G Seagate drives… those drives have many benifits, not least of which, a 5 year warranty.
I already have a 3ware escalade RAID controller (7506-4LP), one of the best options for a hardware RAID controller.
Instead of building another RAID5, I chose to build 2, RAID1 arrays. I chose this because it’s much easier to buy 2 hard drives (upgrading one mirrored pair) than to buy 4 hard drives (to upgrade a 4 disk array).
I have never been sucked into WoW like so many of my friends (because I’m too cheap to spend $15/month) but this article is still great. (It’s so well written, non-geek should enjoy) » Seven Things I Learned from World of Warcraft
I am now hired on a 2 month contract with via studio, a very well respected design/development/consulting company. This may turn into a long term position, but the 2 month contract period is a good trial run for them and for me. I’ll update as I have more information.
Today is my last day of work at Mercer. It has ended lack-luster (painfully), but the whole experience has been great for me.
As one might so commonly read on IT employee blogs, “our team has been laid off”.
That’s right, the whole team is being outsourced to Singapore, effective Jan 31.
It will be a near-future disaster for the company, though it might encourage the abandonment of many applications and proceedures which I’ve been complaining about for years. But though on paper it looks like money saved, I suspect it will end up as more costly to keep things working/improving or a less expensive disaster where nothing works.