Hell House II

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Pre-Halloween Party : Hell House II

Well, as with pretty much all DJ Foursquare (and hushabye house) parties, this was a great event. Chill people, great crowd, good venue (effective at least), great music, etc… It also benifited from a great collection of costumes and a very moderate and (sorry for this review) disney-land-like bondage show… Honestly, I don’t think the crew was disney-land… I’m sure they had to weak-i-fy their setup/show for the audience invovled. It’s cool, I didn’t get up there regardless… few people want to see me tied to a spinning cross (perhaps least of which, me).

Still, the party was great… If all such parties were like it, I would get out more.

I’ve posted a number of the photos from it (though several were “edited out”). If you have other photos of this event, let me know.

Published by in alan, anita, event/news and look at this using 142 words.

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