1 minute read Published:

Poppy is walking like a champ

So there’s no going back… Though she’s still holding on to fingers when offered (or when produced after her sometimes insistent request) she is walking all the way across rooms without assistance and often without falling.  For the most part, when she does fall, it’s fairly controlled and without incident. All of our childproofing is being reassessed now.  It’s a best effort thing anyway – for the most part, she’s going to get into whatever she can, we just try to remove the most dangerous and delicate things from 4 feet or lower.

2 minute read Published:

Recently read an excellent article on walmart’s perception as evil.

An excellent article on Walmart being evil or not – a fairly objective seeming overview of the major points of discussion for the different camps on Walmart. That’s a good thing, right? If a company achieves its lower prices by finding better and smarter ways of doing things, then yes, everybody wins. But if it cuts costs by cutting pay and benefits–or by sending production to China–then not everybody wins.

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Try to stay out of the doghouse

source: JC Penney: Beware of the Doghouse

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Birth Control Pills Affect Women’s Taste in Men

I thought this was a very interesting article Birth Control Pills Affect Women’s Taste in Men It’s all about scent. Hidden in a man’s smell are clues about his major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes, which play an important role in immune system surveillance. Studies suggest that females prefer the scent of males whose MHC genes differ from their own, a preference that has probably evolved because it helps offspring survive: couples with different MHC genes are less likely to be related to each other than couples with similar genes are, and their children are born with more varied MHC profiles and thus more robust immune systems.

1 minute read Published:

I Heart Coffee (well, not me actually)

I have never developed a taste for coffee, personally, but I love the smell and I do love all the sugary-icey-foo-foo drinks.  Here’s an entertaining story about coffee from Christoph Niemann, an illustrator at The New Yorker, Atlantic Monthly, The New York Times Magazine and American Illustration.