The full and sorry story of my trip to Dallas on Friday, Feb. 29

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I arrived at the Louisville, KY airport at 5:30am, Feb 29 and tried to check in for my flight #1755 to Dallas, TX. As it turns out, the confirmation/look up number I received with my itinerary was invalid. They couldn’t find it. And then, upon further investigation, the ticket had been refunded or somehow mis-scheduled. I had to get back in line (I’d been holding up the line this whole time and by now, it was long). I called Jane at way-to-early-in-the-morning (1hr time difference) and she helped me out by calling the reservation line. Unfortunately it was to close to departure time to schedule a ticket anywhere except at the counter. By this point, I was near the front of the ticketing line and I was, I was able to purchase a new (one-way) ticket, finally. I received this new ticket at about 6:33am. My flight departed at 7:00. The security line was literally wrapped all the way around to the bathrooms. I made it through the security line about 6:55 and sprinted to the gate, arriving just before they were closing the plane door… and as I passed my boarding pass to the guy, my name was paged overhead and I realized that I left my wallet and cellphone at the security line. I asked if I could run back and get it and the guy said that I’d have to miss this flight. I chose to not miss this flight, and borrowed my seat-mate’s cellphone to call my wife and ask her to get the wallet and cellphone for me. My other seat-mate loaned me $20, having overheard my tale… and after an uneventful flight, I made it to Dallas, made it to the hotel, and made it to the meeting.

We had a great meeting, figuring out a lot of our plans for IT and Development for 2008 and helping identify the projects we really had to wrestle. Also – Jane setup a one-way-return-ticket. (If she hadn’t, I would have had to stay at Paul’s)

The meeting ended and we went back to the airport. I waited for my flight, I ate at Wendy’s, and I dropped and broke my iPod.

I got home around 10:45pm and just wanted to go to bed. Around midnight I woke up with either food poisoning or a fast-acting stomach-bug, which kept me running to bathroom and feeling awful for the next 16 hours. I slept a lot (any time I wasn’t in the bathroom) and by Sunday afternoon, I was fine.

Published by in alan using 422 words.

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